Overall Setting
Only run when the wave has closed all orders and do not enter the order while the wave is waiting for EXIT.
Last updated
Only run when the wave has closed all orders and do not enter the order while the wave is waiting for EXIT.
Last updated
Custom with your strategy
Recommend to use the timeframe higher than 5MIN
[BINANCE SPOT]: Choose the currency pair you want to trade with price of Binance exchange to avoid incorrect signals.
[BINANCE FUTURE]: Choose the currency pair you want to trade with the future price of Binance exchange to avoid incorrect signals (For example: BTC/USDT โ enter BTCUSDT.P with the text PERPETUAL CONTRACT)
Invest Amount
[Your money] x [leverage] Ex: - [Your money] = 1000USDT - [Leverage]=5x - Invest Amount = 5000USDT (*) Leverage only available for FUTURE
If you run your own strategy, please see detail how to setup in next page
If you run Maxxitrade strategy, please see detail